Why are you here?

You have been chosen either by your performance or your spoken desire to do more with your business!
  • Why did you join Thiry-One? 
  • Do you have a Why?
  • How has your family responded to your Thirty-One Business?
          How can your get them more involved and    on board?
  • How does your selection for Rising star make you feel?
  1. Don't let leadership scare you
  2. Your leaders won't rush you and will only push you when it's TIME!
  3. This is the most fun and can't wait to see you enjoy it
  4. This is not meant to burden you but to help you.
  5. If you ever feel overwhelmed, just tell us and we will slow it down and help you feel more confident before we move on.
Here you are!  Let's do this!

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